Purchase Terms and Conditions


1. General provisions.

1.1. These buying and sale rules (futher - Rules) are a legal document, which establishes the  Customer and Seller rights, when purchasing items in www.antartdesign.com online shop.

1.2. The seller has right to change, correct or add the rules at any time in accordance with the requirements by law. The Customer is informed in shop website. When the Customer purchases in www.antatrdesign.com shop the present rules are valid at the time of placing the order.

1.3. Buy online shop have the rights to:

1.3.1. persons, it means that persons who have reached the age of adulthood and whose capacity is not restricted by law;

1.3.2. under-age persons between the ages of 14 and 18, except they have agreement of their parents or child custodians, unless they has the right to dispose of their income;

1.3.3. legal entities;

1.3.4. authorized representatives of all the above persons.

1.4. By approving the rules, the seller also guarantees that in accordance with 1.3. the Customer has the right to buy the items in the online shop.

1.5. The Agreement is active between the Customer and the Seller from the moment when the Customer have shopping cart in the e-shop, specified an delivery address, choosing the payment method and getting acquainted with the Seller's rules, click the "Confirm order" button (see item 5 "Order of items, prices, payment procedure, terms").

2. Protection of personal data

2.1. To order the items in the e-shop Customer can:

2.1.1. By registering at online shop by entering the data requested fields in the registration form;

2.1.2. Without registering at online shop.

2.2. Custumer when ordering goods 2.1. Rules requires to fill information fields provided by the Seller and Customer‘s personal data is necessary for the the ordered items: name, surname, exact delivery address, telephone number and e-mail address.

2.3. By approving these rules, the Customer agrees that 1.2. Customer‘s personal data provided would be processed by www.antartdesign.com e-shop for Seller‘s e-shop Analysis and Direct Marketing goals.

2.4. By agreeing with the Customer's personal data rules, the Customer also agrees that the Seller can send the newsletters, messages with information necessary for ordering the items by e-mail or telephone.

2.5. Customer by registering at www.antartdesign.com e-shop when ordering the items, undertakes to protect and do not share login details with anyone.

3. Buyer's rights and obligations.

3.1. The Buyer has the right to purchase the items online shop in accordance Rules and in the information sections of the shop.

3.2. The buyer has the right to refuse buying and sale rules  agreement by informing the Seller (by e-mail, describing the product which want to return, and its order number) no later than within 14 (fourteen) working days from the date of delivery, except in cases when the contract cannot be canceled according to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania (eg when the contract is concluded for the sale of hygiene goods - bedding, see the information on the website of the Public Institution "Consumer Center" https://www.vvtat.lt/veiklos-sritys/ne-maisto-produktai/vältoju-teises-ir-garantijos/714  .

3.3. Rules 3.2. The Buyer may return only if the goods have not been damaged or their appearance has not changed, or hasn‘t it been used.

3.4. The buyer agree to accept the ordered items and pay for the items.

3.5. If changes Buyer's registration form details and information, the Buyer must update them immediately.

3.6. The buyer has no right to pass on his/her login details to other persons. If the Buyer loses the login data, he must immediately inform the Seller by the "Contacts" section.

3.7. Buyer using online shop agrees with these Purchase/buying and Sale Rules and agrees to follow the rules and do not break law of Lithuania Republic.

4. Seller's rights and obligations.

4.1. The Seller undertakes to create the conditions for the Buyer to use all sevices of the online shop.

4.2. If the Buyer tries to damage the Seller's online shop stability and security, the Seller has the right to immediately and without notice restrict or suspend the Buyer's access to use online shop services or cancel the registration.

4.3. The Seller undertakes to respect the Buyer's right to his/her privacy of the personal information which is fulfilled in the registration form.

4.4. The Seller undertakes to deliver the items which are ordered to the Buyer‘s specified address.

5. Ordering items, prices, payment procedure, terms.

5.1. In the online shop the Buyer can buy 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

5.2. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the Buyer clicks the "Confirm Order" button, and upon receipt of the order, the Seller confirms it - send a confirmation letter to the e-mail.

5.3. Product prices in www.antartdesign.com online shop are showed in euros.

5.4. The buyer pays for the items in one of the following ways:

5.4.1. online banking - it is a prepayment using the e-mail used by the Buyer. banking system. The buyer must have agreement with banks to use online banking payment. The Buyer transfers the money to the online shop to the  account. The responsibility for data security in this case is the bank, because all money transactions are made through the electronic banking system.

5.4.2. Payment by bank transfer  - is a preliminary payment when the Buyer, after printing the order and going to the nearest bank, transfers the money to the online shop bank account.

5.5. The buyer undertakes to pay for the items immediately. Only upon receipt of payment for the items, Seller starts to form the parcel of the items and start to count the term of items delivery.

6. Delivery of items.

6.1. The buyer, having chosen the delivery service, undertakes to inform the seller the exact delivery address.

6.2. The buyer undertakes to accept the items himself/herself. If the buyer is unable to accept the items himself and the items are delivered to the specified address, the Buyer have no right to make claims to the Seller regarding the delivery of the items to the wrong person.

6.3. The items are delivered by the Seller or the Seller's authorized representative (courier).

6.4. The Seller delivers the items to the Buyer in accordance with the terms which is written in the item’s descriptions. These terms are preliminary and do not apply in cases when the required items are not in the Seller's warehouse and the Buyer is informed about the deficit of the ordered items. At the same time, the Buyer agrees that the delivery of items may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances which the Seller can’t control. In this case, the Seller undertakes to contact the Buyer immediately and make agreement of on the item’s delivery conditions.

6.5. In all cases, the Seller is not responsible for items delivery deadline breach, if the items are not delivered to the Buyer or are not delivered on time due to the fault of the Buyer. The seller is not responsible for delivery deadline breach if the Seller cannot control the items delivery circumstances.

6.6. In all cases, the Buyer must immediately inform the Seller if the item is in damaged package, or if is the items which were not ordered, or incorrect quantity, or incomplete items.

6.7. In all cases, if the buyer notices any damage to the packaging during delivery, he/she must comment on the delivery document provided by the courier or fulfill the report on the damage. The Buyer must do this in the presence of a courier. Failure to do so shall release the Seller from liability to the Buyer for any damage to the goods related to packaging damage that the Buyer has not identified in the courier's delivery document.

7. Product quality, guarantees.

7.1. for each item details are written in e-shop each item’s general description.

7.2. The seller is not responsible for items which may not correspond in color, shape or other parameters, actual size, shape and color of the items due to the characteristics of the monitor settings used by the Buyer.

7.3. The seller has a different quality guarantee, the specific term and other conditions of which are written in the descriptions of each item.

7.4. If the seller is not guaranteed the quality of certain types of items, the guarantee provided by the law.

8. Buyer and seller Responsibility.

8.1. The Buyer is fully responsible for correct personal data provided by the Buyer. If the Buyer does not provide correct personal data in the registration form, the Seller is not responsible for the consequences and acquires the right to claim compensation for losses incurred by the Buyer.

8.2. The buyer is responsible for the actions taken using this online shop.

8.3. The registered Buyer is responsible for transferring his login data to third/other persons. If other persons are used and connected to online shop by using the Buyer's login details, the Seller recognized this person to as a Buyer.

8.4. The Seller is not responsible in that cases that losses arises that the Buyer, despite Seller’s recommendations for the Buyer, did not read these Rules, although he/she was given an opportunity to read it.

8.5. If in the Seller's online shop are links to other websites from other companies, institutions, organizations or individuals, the Seller is not responsible for the information or activities performed there, does not maintain, control and does not represent those companies and persons.

8.6. If damage occurs, the guilty Part shall compensate losses to the other Part directly.

9. Marketing and information.

9.1. The seller may initiate the online shop various promotions and sales.

9.2. The seller has the right, without separate notice, change the terms of the promotions and sales, as well as cancel them. Any change or cancellation of the terms and conditions of the promotions and sales is only valid in in the future, i.e. from the moment of their performance.

9.3. The Seller send all notices and newsletters by contacts which were fulfilled in the Buyer's registration form.

9.4. The Buyer send all notices and questions to the Seller by specified in the "Contacts" section of e-shop: by e-mail addresses, by phone.

9.5. The Seller is not responsible if the Buyer does not receive the information or confirmation messages sent regarding the Internet connection, network disruptions of the e-mail service providers.

10. Final provisions.

10.1. These Rules of Purchase and Sale of items have been created in accordance with the laws of the Lithuania Republic.

10.2. All disputes arising under this contract shall be settled by the parties through negotiation. If no agreement is reached, disputes shall be settled in accordance with the laws of the Lithuania Repu

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